Hi! I'm Amit. I am
Some of my latest interests include:
This site contains my blog posts and some of my projects, I'd love for you to take a look!
You can reach me on:
Shoot me a message!
08 Aug 2022
The Decline of Humanity on the Internet Musings
How "humanity" on the internet is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, and what it means for the future of online interaction.
07 Aug 2022
Revisiting Web-Development as a Backend Developer with Svelte and SvelteKit Projects
Trying out Svelte by migrating this blog over to a SvelteKit powered static-site.
27 Oct 2021
You are the Product Musings
Finding out about the hidden price of internet services we take for granted.
13 Aug 2021
Asynchronous and Multithreaded: What's the difference? Theory
Explaining the difference between asynchronous and multithreaded programming paradigms
09 Aug 2021
A Usability Test for Dart: Static Site Generation. Projects
Critiquing Dart when applying it to create low-maintainance, dynamic blogs, like this one, using Github Actions and Pages.